Not sipping a spritz at a beach club on the Italian coast? We got you. Our bright red “Mentally in Amalfi” trucker hat will immediately alert anyone you pass that you’ve got burrata on the brain. We can’t always be in Italy, but it’s a state of mind. It’s aperitivo hour somewhere baby!
Kick in some pep to your step, with our all-time favorite socks! Easy to pack and perfect for a jazzy carry-on addition, they are the ultimate in-flight companion to keep your tootsies feeling snug and warm. But hey, why stop at the clouds? Transform your regular stroll into a diva strut, by slipping these on with snazzy sneakers. Striding down the park, we bet your stride will be the envy of every 'hot girl' summer strut! Psst... we noticed your coffee mug, wink! No worries, we promise not to spill the beans about it brimming with your secret spritz indulgence. Your secrets are safe with our socks and us!
Are you the one who always settles the bill? Nothing says boss like our Saint Spritz Dad hat. You're the CEO of fun, but no one is catching sun spots on your watch. Think of how many spritzes you can buy with what you'll save at the dermatologist!
Our vintage-inspired SaintSpritz hotel key chain will bring you back to all of the amazing travel memories you've made, everytime you open the door to your home. What lies behind the door? Your apartment in the city, or a balcony overlooking Lake Como? It's all a state of mind. We here at SaintSpritz are always mentally in Amalfi.
Does it contain water, coffee, or Spritz? Depends on the day we're having. Either way, it's keeping our drinks cold and refreshing and that's all anyone needs to know.
The SaintSpritz can let us know that it needed something sexy to slip on after cold plunging. While an icy plunge makes her look and feel her best, we realized her frosty exterior can be cold on the hands. 12 oz slim soft koozies.
If only we had a dollar for every wine glass we have ever broken. Problem solved: our acrylic wine glasses are the perfect poolside wine glass-alternative or solution for anyone that's tired of walkin on broken glass. Branded with our chic SaintSpritz logo so when you're sippin your spritz everyone knows: this isn't your average spritz, this spritz is Red Dye 40 free. Comes with two 16oz. glasses.
You know what can quickly kill your mental escapism of cracking open a SaintSpritz, a coffee table stain. This off white vegan leather coaster is like a life preserver thrown to you after you've fallen overboard from one too many spritzes cruisin the Amalfi coast. We have come to your rescue in style, you're welcome. Two coasters included.